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Best partner with data analytics and consulting know-how

PANIROIS was created by former global financial consulting and risk management experts at financial institutions to complete the mission of providing optimized risk management consulting services to

domestic financial institutions.

Our Story

  • PANIROIS has the best performance based on consultants with extensive consulting project experience and overseas project experience at Global Consulting Firms from banks to savings banks.

  • PANIROIS' consultants are highly trained with previous experiences from world-leading consulting firms such as Experian, FICO, Local financial institutions, and the Financial Supervisory Service.

  • Since 2000, PANIROIS members have been working on various domestic Landmark CSS-related projects, and are recognized by relevant industry experts from all over the world for their technical skills and expertise.

  • In addition, PANIROIS is the only firm carrying out analytics based consulting such as market analysis, research, marketing strategies development and risk management for clients in Korea.

  • PANIROIS never provides cliché or prosaic outcomes or inappropriate products, but deliverables that best suits our clients want.

  • PANIROIS’ consultants are always questioning themselves why they start the project and differentiate our deliverables with statistical accuracy and validity.

Meaning of PANIROIS

PANIROIS is an expert in predicting customer behavior and risk using mathematical algorithms through big data analysis and predictive modeling.


Predictive Analysis & Innovation



Meaning :Innovation in Predictable Analysis

Korea's top consultants providing

innovative consulting services based on analysis

Meaning 1:

ROI(Return On Investment) + S

Meaning 2:

ROI is the French version of CEO ‘ROY’ + S

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