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이미지 제공: Nicolas Horn


Vision of PANIROIS

PANIROIS is the best consulting company with more than 14 years of project experience in Korea.

When carrying out a project, we will not follow obvious conclusions or carry out projects that produce appropriate results.

​We will provide the background and statistical validity of the results, and provide optimal consulting for the purpose keeping in mind the purpose of the project.


Think of the Best for your business


A leader

of change

The highest orientation



Mutual cooperation

Pursuit of professionalism

Lead change and carry out projects with advanced professional skills.

We aim for the best by providing optimized services for the best results.

We will create customer-centric results by delivering solutions from a neutral, objective standpoint through customer-trusted consulting.

In order to make better results, we will work together with our customers and competitors to grow together.

Based on our experience in consulting, we will always prepare professional projects with consultants of the best group of experts.

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